
The following helper methods can be used in addition to Expectations and assertions for any custom logic or checks that need to be made.

getHistory(?int $index, $subIndex = null)

To retrieve the client’s raw history, this method can be used.

$history = $this->guzzler->getHistory();
// Returns the entire history array

The shape of Guzzle’s history array is as follows:

$history = [
        "request"  => GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request   object
        "response" => GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response  object,
        "options"  => array,
        "errors"   => array
    // ...

Individual indexes and sub-indexes of the history can also be requested directly.

$second = $this->guzzler->getHistory(1);
* [
*   'request'  => object
*   'response' => object
*   'options'  => array
*   'errors'   => array
* ]

$options = $this->guzzler->getHistory(4, 'options');
* [
*   'stream' => true,
*   // ...
* ]


Retrieve the total number of requests that were made on the client.


echo $this->guzzler->historyCount();
// 2


Retrieve the total number of response items in the mock handler's queue.

echo $this->guzzler->queueCount();
// 0

$this->guzzler->queueMany(new Response(), 6);

echo $this->guzzler->queueCount();
// 6
Last Updated: 6/25/2019, 4:03:35 AM