Mocking Responses

There are three main ways to provide responses to return from your client; queueResponse() and queueMany() methods directly on the guzzler instance, and will() or its alias willRespond() on an expectation.


The queueResponse method is the main way to add responses to your mock handler. Guzzle supports several types of responses besides the standard ResponseInterface object; PromiseInterface objects, Exceptions, and Callables. Please see the official documentation for full details on what can be passed.

public function testSomething()
    $this->guzzler->queueResponse(new Response(201, ["some-header" => "value"], "some body"));

    //... whatever the first request sent to your client is, the response above will be returned.

The method accepts variadic arguments, so you can add as many responses as you like.

// One call with multiple arguments
$promise = new Promise();
    new Response(400),

// Multiple calls with one response each.
$this->guzzler->queueResponse(new Response(200));
$this->guzzler->queueResponse(new \InvalidArgumentException(“message”));

Be Aware

Whatever order you queue your responses is the order they will be returned from your client, no matter the URI or method of the request. This is a constraint of Guzzle’s mock handler.

queueMany($response, int $times = 1)

To quickly add multiple responses to the queue without making each one individually, the queueMany method can repeat a specific response any number of times you specify.

// Add 5 responses with status code 201 to the queue.
$this->guzzler->queueMany(new Response(201), 5);

will($response, int $times = 1), willRespond($response, int $times = 1)

If you are using expectations in your test, you can add responses to the expectation chain with either will() or its alias, willRespond(). In both cases, you can provide a single response, promise, or otherwise and the number of times it should be added to the queue. This is so that you can make sure to add a response for each expected invocation.

    ->willRespond(new Response(200), 12);

    ->will(new \Exception("some message"), 2);

If you’d like to return different responses from the same expectation, you can still chain your will() or willRespond() statements.

    ->endpoint("/a-url-for-deleting", "DELETE")
    ->will(new Response(204))
    ->will(new Response(210));

Be Aware

Whatever order you queue your responses is the order they will be returned from your client, no matter the URI or method of the request. This is a constraint of Guzzle’s mock handler.

Last Updated: 5/29/2019, 4:10:16 AM